Dr. Philip DePalo
Chief Attending Consultologist
My passion is healthcare and my expertise, technology.
Dr. Philip DePalo, ScD has spent the last 15 years involved in healthcare and information technology. In 2004 he decided to merge the two disciplines in order to facilitate better healthcare for everyone involved. From when he started to use his mothers public library account and a text only view of the internet when he was 10 he has always been improving his IT skillset. After joining a volunteer fire department in Baltimore County and spending two years becoming a paramedic he continued to progress into an advanced practice paramedic with the Johns Hopkins Hospital. With his Masters work he finally had the opportunity to merge the two and never turned back. Phil became instantly involved in every possible healthcare IT organization possible, because he learned the word “student” was a free pass into opportunity. Today Phil works as a consultant with HIMSS on their interoperability showcase, participates with HL7 working groups, authors CDA profiles with the IHE and still manages to publish in academia. He is a certified Project Management Professional and works closely with Meaningful Use, EHR, interoperability and clinical workflow implementations. In addition to founding Consultology, Phil continues to be an active SCUBA and public safety diving instructor, pilot, skydiver, and active firefighter paramedic with his local volunteer fire department.